The evolution of TV sitcoms [Infographic]

What show are you watching? Tell me the name and I will know what kind of person you are. We all are watching sitcoms, our choice depends on your preferences. The diversity is so big, you can choose a sitcom for weekdays and weekends. Get to know the history of sitcoms, what was the first one and what’s the newest. Don’t miss a chance to follow cultural and hi-tech evolution presented in sitcoms. Friends is definitely the most famous sitcom. Could you miss watching a new series of Friends or Beverly hills 90210? You could miss anything, but not your favorite sitcom. You know the names of main characters, you know their real names and you definitely check out their persona life and further acting. Sitcom becomes a part of your life, a part of you. You will enjoy talking to your friends about the events from the sitcom you watch together and you might even compare yourself to the favorite character and work on your personal perfection.

Infographics by Custom Writing

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