Articles by INC Staff Writer

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Obamacare Provisions You Can Use Now

Whether you’re for or against the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, there are certain perks to the provision that many people can already use today without having to wait until 2014. Keeping children…

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Getting Your Kids Interested In Healthy Living

As a parent you will know the difficulties involved with encouraging children to eat well and take exercise. During their childhood it is important that they develop a healthy attitude towards diet and exercise as…

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An Idiot’s Guide To Backing Up Files

Everybody knows they need to back up their computer files, but few of us actually do it regularly. There are so many options to back up data that it can seem impossible to choose one,…

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Business Tips From Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg

Mark Zuckerburg was named the world’s youngest billionaire in 2007, is definitely successful, and has a lot of great advice to offer entrepreneurs and business owners. His life is an inspiration for those who seek…

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Tweets That Will Make You Smile

Twitter is a phenomenon that has spread like wildfire. Everyone from pop stars to the Pope seems to be tweeting. It’s incredible how big of an impact 140 characters can make. There are tweets that…

What If Every Car Was Electric?

The government is keen to reduce CO2 emissions and so gives drivers incentives to switch to electric cars. But what would happen if everyone switched to an electric car? Reduction in Costs Motorists these days…

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8 Fortunes The Online World Helped Make!

Some of the world’s richest entrepreneurs have made their fortune through the internet. Below is a list of eight such people, including information on how they made their millions (in some case billions)! Mark Zuckerberg…