Bank Robbery Fails

In an age of high tech, super advanced security systems, one would be forgiven for thinking that the old school bank robbery has been retired to the history books of crime. While most banks are comprehensively insured for money lost in a potential robbery, most of them still don’t take any risks when it comes to securing the cash held in their vaults. Despite this, would-be “criminal masterminds” still plot to exploit weaknesses in banks’ security systems. Unfortunately for them, success rates in the bank robbery industry are exceptionally low. Here are some of the most spectacular failures in the world of bank robberies:

Losing your head

One non-negotiable aspect of pulling off what could be considered a successful bank robbery is actually living to spend the riches you have stolen. Brian Wells, who managed to lay claim to only a small bag of money during his bank robbery, failed spectacularly in this respect. When police eventually managed to get him to pull his car over, he immediately drew their attention to a bizarre contraption strapped to his neck. He explained that it was a bomb which was linked to a timer and claimed it would go off if they didn’t let him go. Minutes later, Wells backed away from police seconds before the bomb went off, killing him instantly and simultaneously proving his story true. It took an investigation lasting almost a decade to determine that Wells was the unfortunate victim of a bizarre bank robbery plot that he had played a large part in developing himself. This case is a story unto itself, so do some research online if you’re interested.

Getting “owned” by a grandpa.

While planning his robbery of the US Bank in Dayton, Ohio, Daniel Ginly probably spent some time thinking about the people who might prevent him from successfully pulling off the heist. Highly trained armed guards and police would have been high on his list, but senior citizens probably didn’t feature at all. That’s why when, after stealing money from a bank teller, Ginly didn’t think twice about demanding that 70 year old James Matteson get out of his way. Unfortunately for Ginly, Matteson happened to be a Korean War veteran, making him the equivalent of a wrinkled Rambo. Despite being cut by Ginly – no doubt a laughable wound for Matteson – he smashed the robber against a wall and immobilised him until police arrived to take him away. A lesson well taught to all young whippersnappers thinking of robbing a bank.

As you can see, the track record for successful bank robberies is quite low. The idea of robbing a bank might sound very appealing and adventurous bt the idea of having to spend the rest opf your life behind bars is not as appealing.

Should you be an unfortunate victim of a bank robbery or any type of robbery for that matter, make sure you have proper insuance to cover your losses. There is nothing worse than being robbed and not being able to claim back what you have lost…and robbing a bank is clearly not a viable option for getting your hands on some cash!

Dan, who has been victim to a bank robbery, knows the importance of insurance in South Africa, and you should too!

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INC Staff Writer
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