Breakthrough Business Behaviors Part 2

This is the second in the series of three articles examining the top three behaviours.

Behaviour #2: They pay the price

Pam (not her real name) was a prospective new client who requested a chat with me prior to committing to becoming a client on the 8020 Strategy Boot Camp. Mostly I welcome the idea because:

a. I like to sleep well at night when someone is paying a not inconsiderable amount of money into my bank account – and I sleep well when I know that I can deliver value to that client’s situation…

b. It’s a great opportunity for the prospect and myself to align expectations so they buy in at a certain expected value point which then gives me an opportunity to over-deliver.

(I hope you read that carefully because whilst you may already know this, chances are you are not doing it systematically)

Anyhow, towards the end of the chat Pam decided that it all sounded great and then quite wisely asked how much time was needed.

I replied that ideally she would invest between 30 and 60 minutes per work day in thinking about the training and coming up with answers in her assignment.

I almost felt Pam wince just before she told me that time was tight because of all her client commitments.

Please bear in mind that the reason why Pam wanted to do my Boot Camp was so that she could get eventually get OFF the time=money client-delivery “treadmill” and build a “conveyor-belt” business where new clients were firstly attracted into her business by good marketing and secondly were able to receive full value without any significant dependency on Pam’s time.

Now I don’t want to be harsh on Pam here because frankly, all of us have been (or are at still at) where Pam is at.

So I suggested to Pam that it may be a worthwhile exercise to figure out the answers to three questions:

1. What do I really want? (in this case the answer was a conveyor-belt business that could increase earnings but could also give Pam more free time)

2. What is the price I will have to pay in order to create what I really want? (some money, a little time invested in thinking and then a lot of time invested in implementing)

3. Am I willing to pay that price? (initially 30 – 60 minutes and approx $26 a day for 16 weeks)

I’m happy to report, for Pam’s future’s sake, that she went away, thought about it and then chose to pay the price. Unfortunately too many people simply dream of what might be and are never to make the sacrifice that success inevitably demands.

How about you? What do you want? What is the price you will need to pay? And are you willing to pay it?

Breakthrough Business Behaviors Part 1

Breakthrough Business Behaviors Part 3

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Tom Poland is a serial entrepreneur and the founder and director of 80-20 Center and shows business owners and business coaches how to “get more clients, make more money and have more fun”. He is currently offering $716.83 of free marketing strategy resource at [/author_info] [/author]

About the Author

INC Staff Writer
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